The Hacker's Golf League was started in the early 80's as a NEC only league
that played at Twin Springs in Bolton. Around the mid 90's the Tech bubble burst and several NEC employees
ended up at 3Com, EMC and Digital. The league also moved from Twin Springs to Juniper in that same time frame.
Today, the league members come mainly from companies located in the area along Routes 495 and 9,
commonly known as the MetroWest.
The League plays every Tuesday night starting in late April through
mid August at the Juniper Hill Golf Course in
Northboro, Massachusetts. The League switches courses with other Tuesday night leagues
allowing play on Riverside Front and Back and Lakeside Front and Back.
View from the Deck...
The Hackers held their End-of-Year outing at Highfields under ideal weather conditions. The golf was competitive and the Italian Buffet was delish.
Kudos to President Carl for expediting it. After dinner, league and outing prizes were giving out.
1st Place - Marc Fortier & Jeff Howley
2nd Place - Barry Provencher & Peter Driscoll
Low Net - Gary Breton (- 10)
Low Gross - (tie) Jim Shea & Artie McDonald (36)
1st Place - Carl Lindegren, Paul Deastlov, Brian Mahan & Steve Grosso (115)
2nd Place - Jim Shea, Artie McDonald, Kevin Marshall & Steve Carter (130)
3rd Place - Mal Hornsby, Craig Graham, Talley Montecalvo & Bob Braga (132)
2nd - Carl Lindegren
5th - Carl Lindegren *
11th - Carl Sussman
17th - John Moura
* Per a Presidential "one person, one prize" edict, Ron Dupuis' name was drawn from the hat
9th - Brian Mahan
Weekly Bird Count
Ask Jessica
Jeff is in the process of putting when a car driving by honks the horn. He tries to stop the swing but hits the ball. What should he do?